Fri Jan 6 12:45:12 MST 2006 Horry Cow! I've not done much here for a
while. Posted a new video of Jason's backflip (see the home
page). Wiersdorfs went tubbing at the cabin over the Christmas break,
but got scant video, and what was got was garbage (thanks me).
We're far from dead, just too busy to write anything about it.
Mon Nov 6 21:31:34 2000 November 4th was marked as the
first run of the 2000-2001 season. We went to Snowbird, got geared up,
got really excited that no one was on the slopes, walked up to the Tram
and found the "No Public Access" signs explaining why the slopes were so
We then went to Alta and found ourselves a nice little spot above the
condos just west of Alta, next to the Avalance Control Zone. Strangely,
it was mostly untracked where we were except down lower when we hit the
snowboarder tracks.
Conditions were good; the snow was thick but very mobile--excellent
quality only found in slightly aged wet powder. Depth 2-2.5'.
Present were D. Sherman Dallon (Lieutenant Dan), Mark Dallon (Mr.
Go), and Scott Wiersdorf (spif).
Mon Jan 3 21:31:00 2000 Tubbing Reunion Y2K was a huge
success. Well, not really; everyone petered out at the last minute for
one good reason or another. The Mark Dallon's came and the Scott
Wiersdorf's came. We had many well-wishers as well. The snow was prime
and it was good that not too many came so we could take a bunch of runs
and track it all up for ourselves ;o)
We rang in the new year with some fine root beer and sat by the warm
fire and told stories about the good old times and reflected on the
bright future.
Scott also wrote an essay which you can read here.
Be sure to check out the latest wisdom of
tubbing, there's some good stuff there.
Thu Jul 1 21:22:18 MDT 1999 Did I mention I went tubbing
in June? Yep. I hiked to the snow field at the cabin about 3 weeks
ago. There was snow about 500 feet east of the cabin all the way to the
snowfield--but it was sparse! The snowfield itself had hardly any at
all, except along the perimeter.
I spent a few hours grooming the big jump, leveling it out a bit,
smoothing the approach some. I think you'll all be impressed this next
winter. I also removed all the stumps and tall rocks I could see that
would obviously be a problem in low-snow conditions.
On the way down, I was able to tub from about where we get out of
that ravine at the bottom of the snow field to about 800 feet east of
the cabin. It was slow (but it beat walking) and dirty (you all know
how that spring snow can get--yuck!) but it was tubbing.
Tue Jun 1 13:55:12 MST 1999 We took a little trip to the
cabin this weekend for Memorial Day. There's still a bunch of snow in
the high country, though we were able to drive right to the cabin in the
Spy Hunter (1982 Nissan Sentra). General cabin improvements continue to
make future overnighters and day-trips more comfortable.
We've got a new dart board now and the air hockey table was refinished
by Ryan. One of the cue sticks had a tip replaced. Things get better
and better!
Sat May 15 22:18:44 MST 1999 New photos! We developed
about 4 rolls this time and found some nice ones. Check 'em out. I've also made some minor changes to
the style of the site. I've been doing some side work (ok, a ton of side
work) writing some nice programs that will convert the entire look and
feel of a web site in just seconds. It's kind of like Dreamweaver or
NetObjects' Fusion, but this didn't cost a gazillion dollars (though,
there were times I would've paid it...sheesh, sometimes programming is
not all it's cracked up to be). Anyhow, what does this mean for you?
Absolutely nothing; I just had to write it here as kind of a kudos to
myself. If you don't toot your own horn once in a while, it gets all
kinds of gunk in there and stuff.
Thu Mar 11 09:20:13 MST 1999 There's still plenty of good
snow out there. With this last storm, we're good for a few more weeks.
I've added a little page you can't access yet from the homepage. It's
called the Page of Tubbing Wisdom. It
explains why we do things the way we do them. If you have any
suggestions, let us know.
Sat Feb 06 21:20:59 MST 1999 We had a great reunion.
Thanks to all those who came and participated. Unfortunately, we had a
little "storm" that day that made transit somewhat challenging for the
folks coming from Salt Lake. More on the reunion later (photos, etc).
Check out the latest essay from Mark Dallon about Mr. Go.
Mon Dec 28 17:54:38 MST 1998 Here are the times: for
overnighters, 5pm Thursday. For New Year's Day, 10am. All times are for
the West Gate. Check out the reunion page
for details.
Fri Dec 18 14:50:20 MST 1998 We have an official date for
the 1998 Tubbing Reunion. You are welcome
to come and stay overnight, just come for the evening, or come up New
Year's Day. Check back for an official time to meet at the gate.
Sat Dec 12 00:00:25 MST 1998
I must say that this page
is the coolest of them all; that jump by Jason was a sweetie! I've made
some graphic changes tonight on a few pages. Still a lot to be done
before I'm satisfied. I'll work more after finals. We've decided on two
dates for the reunion. Let us
know when you want to go (go to the reunion page for details).
Fri Dec 11 00:02:45 MST 1998
I changed the style of
the site completely--all black, a little javascript to dazzle, and some
graphics. No content changes...yet.
Sat Dec 5 09:51:13 MST 1998
Jason and I went up to
Wiersdorf's cabin last weekend and worked on the big jump on the
glacier. As some of you may remember, last year the amount of snow we
had was just enough to cover the jump. You'd hit it and the lip would
send the front of your tub straight up so you'd land right on your
Well, we fixed that...hopefully. We dug out several dozen large rocks
and felled a score of small trees (and cut them up with my pocket knife
saw--a slow process) to make the jump a little (a lot, really) smoother.
It no longer tilts in the direction of the slope (from behind the jump,
it looks like it slopes right) so we should be able to hit it from more
angles than last year, as well as get a much farther launch. I'm
expecting a good 50 feet or more this year from some of you crazies.
I also re-arranged the utility closet in the cabin so all the hot
chocolate is in one place.
Please notify me of any good trips you take, especially those of you who
are far and away from headquarters.
Sat Nov 24 10:33:35 MST 1998
My dad sent me this url
for a camera in
Peoa that updates every 2 hours so you can see how much snow is in
some farmer's field. Interestingly enough, it has little to do with how
much snow is at Wiersdorf's cabin, but at least you know that if there's
a ton of snow in that field, there's going to be a ton more at the
Last updated 6 November 2000